Khmea Foot
Background: Cambodia has one of the highest rates of amputees in the world. With a median age of 28, more than half of the victims take on debt to pay for medical care.
Many of these people with amputations are unable to work in wet conditions with their prosthetic limbs. As a result, they move away from their families to work in cities.
How might we design a prosthetic leg and foot to withstand wet agriculture, with materials available to a developing country, for low costs and little maintenance?
The Khmea Foot is made from fiberglass. Fiberglass is used in the boats of many Cambodian fishermen. Fiberglass also has nearly the same strength as carbon fiber, which is the industry standard for high-end, performance-driven prosthetics.
This model required simple tools and no hardware, which has the potential to minimize wear, tear and maintenance.